Now Head of tripod is broken. Lever to suppress the quick release plate has become not return. I tried to decomposition and I think the spring in broken. When I disassembled, loose screw to adjust the strength of the spring, hook of spring was out. However, because made of few parts and could not immediately understand how to move the lever.
GITZOの三脚は、どんなパーツでも取り寄せできる。ということは、パーツを全て分解できるようになっている。以前、40年くらい前に買ったGITZO 407とかいう三脚をバラバラにして分解掃除し、組み立てたことがあった。
Any parts of GITZO's tripod can be ordered. And can decomposit into each of the parts for repairing. I bought GITZO's tripod 407 about 40 years ago. Previously, I had decomposed it and cleaned, and assembled. I was able to also.
Remove the cover.
Brass screw is linked with the spring, it can adjust the strength of the spring. Turn this brass screw clockwise and fix this screw by tightening cross screw in this back . Even tightening strongly the screw, there is a slight gap, the lever can be moved.
Gitzo GS2370LA。カメラを縦位置にしたとき、レンズの重みで下を向いてしまうことがあるが、このプレートを使うとしっかりカメラを固定できる。もともと付いていたプレートはこちら。Plate Gitzo GS2370LA. When the camera in the vertical position, camera would look down onby the weight of the lens, but this plate can be firmly fixed to the camera. The original plate is here.
D700 + AF-S Micro Nikkor 60mm F2.8G ED + speedlite with reflector