並揚羽 Asian Swallowtail ― 2018年04月15日 21時33分06秒
テーブルランプのステンドグラスシェード Stained glass shade of table lamp ― 2018年04月08日 19時40分47秒
堀留町散歩 Walking in Nihonbashi-Horidome Cho ― 2018年03月15日 20時00分59秒
AF-S Fisheye NIKKOR 8-15mm f/3.5-4.5E ED ― 2018年03月13日 16時52分16秒
It is because I think that the image obtained with the fisheye lens is close to the image as seen by human eyes. When I look at an elongated rectangle beside it, I recognize that the center and both ends are the same height in the brain, but in reality both ends are narrow.