counter restart 7-jan-2011 now:



2012年11月1日 獨歩文化から出版された「麒麟之翼」中国語翻訳版の表紙に熱いねこ撮影の写真が採用された。







携帯電話を初めて持った時、暫くして、迷惑メールがしょっちゅう届くようになり、メールアドレスを変更することとなった。アドレス中にBlue Catを使いたかったのだが既に使われているものが多く、Hot DogをもじってHot Catを仕方なく使うことにした。
その後、ブログを立ち上げる際、Hot Catでは芸がないので、日本語にし、当時の楽しみだった太鼓と写真を取り入れブログタイトルとした。タイトル名がもととなって、いつしか、熱いねこと称するようになった。いまさら名前を変えるわけにも行かず、現在に至っている。

古い記事を削除しています Old articles are eliminated.

An article before September, 2009 was eliminated.


刺繍猫付達磨形パスケース Dalma shaped pass case with embroidered cat2017年03月13日 19時43分28秒


I uploaded it to Facebook, also here.
I got a pass case ordered on June 25th last year. Red dalma shaped pass case with embroidered my home cat Riku's face.

138 mm x 93 mm
Face size 44 mm x 48 mm

Dalma shaped pass case with embroidered cat

Dalma shaped pass case with embroidered cat

Dalma shaped pass case with embroidered cat

Dalma shaped pass case with embroidered cat

Dalma shaped pass case with embroidered cat

Dalma shaped pass case with embroidered cat

刺繍deねこ展開催中 "Cats by the embroidery" Exhibition held in2016年06月29日 17時49分20秒

"Cat by the embroidery" Exhibition of Shishuu-de-neko is held in HAKONOBA in Nihonbashi Tomizawacho 2-8 until July 10, until (Sunday). I have already ordered the red Daruma card case by the face of our house cat "Riku".


Cats by the embroidery

Cats by the embroidery

Cats by the embroidery

Cats by the embroidery

Cats by the embroidery

Cats by the embroidery



大濱紙六匁 Ohama Paper2016年01月18日 21時28分51秒

大濱紙六匁は写真のように透けるくらい薄い。二・三版を半分にして432×648 mm(17×25.5インチ)にするとこのような端切れができる。この薄さでもプリンター(SC-PX3V)は認識し正確に紙送りした。しかし、紙送りがだいぶ進むまでは給紙されやすいよう支えなければならない。

Ohama paper (Japanese paper) 6 momme is thin enough seen through shown in the picture. Two-three size of the Japanese paper is cut two pieces of 432 × 648 mm (17 × 25.5 inches), such as a photograph is made. In this thinness, printer (SC-PX3V) was sent paper accurately recognizes the paper. However, the paper feed has to be supported so that it is easily fed up proceeds to some extent.
At the moment, I have the impression that this thickness Japanese paper is a good combination with pigment ink.
Ohama paper

九代目市兵衛日本画用楮紙 Ichibe IX's kozo paper for Japanese paintings2015年08月17日 21時36分18秒

Last time, I have been using Ichibe IX's Ohama paper of 330 x 480 mm, so this time to print on paper of 432 x 648 mm, and decided to try using Ichibe IX's kozo paper for Japanese paintings. The former is is much Ganpi (Diplomorpha sikokiana) is 20% in kozo, the latter is 100% of kozo. If there is a chance, I want to confirm whether can be printed on thin paper and what become texture. I had bought a paper, but not selected still photos.
Kozo paper

D800 + AF-S Micro Nikkor 60mm F2.8G ED

2015年2月開催の個展出展20作品 20-works those were exhibited to hold solo exhibition in February 2015.2015年08月15日 20時30分00秒

20 works were exhibited to the solo exhibition that was held on February 9 to February 14, 2015 in the Konoha Gallery of Kandamikura the town was posted on here.

髙村譲先生の絵を観に行く I went to watch the Takamura's picture2015年07月27日 20時16分30秒

Group exhibition of "prayer for peace" in Konoha Gallery in Kandamikura the town until July 30 is held. Since Takamura's that triggered my solo exhibition also exhibited, I had to look his work.

Konoha Gallery
Chinese trumpet creeper
Konoha Gallery

Konoha Gallery

A scene of the wind
Takamura's picture.

Facts of Imperial Japanese Constitution
Facts of Imperial Japanese Constitution
Taking photos with the permission of the curator.

D800E + Ai Nikkor 20mm F2.8S

木工作家関口正保氏 Mr. Masayasu Sekiguchi woodworking artist2015年07月12日 20時39分30秒


July 11, I visited the showroom in the home of Mr. Masayasu Sekiguchi woodworking writer. Last visit was just as hot days in September 2011. In backfired that I had memorized to be easy-to-understand way from Keio Tama Center Station, I've go 850 m the wrong road. In get in touch with Mr. Sekiguchi, it was arrived safely return 850 m.
Woodworking toys when the last visit is the main, in the solo exhibition of December 2013 also increased woodworking works to enjoy adult, this time has been increased such as a light stand.
Wooden Light Stand

Poetry of the forest of mysterious chromatic is quite a good reputation. Not only is changing the height of the sound by type of wood, the color of the wood has been harnessed.
Woodworking artist Mr. Sekiguchi's showroom

D800E + AF-S NIKKOR 24-70mm f/2.8G ED

デロスのアリス展 Delos's Alice Exhibition2015年05月21日 22時24分05秒

神宮前、アウディの裏にあるBLOCK HOUSEの4階にあるギャラリーで5月24日まで「デロスのアリス展」が開催されている。入口が判りにくい。BLOCK HOUSEの右脇屋外にある階段を上る。
Delos's Alice Exhibition has been held at gallery located on the fourth floor of the "BLOCK HOUSE" in Jingumae until May 24th . The entrance is hard to find. Go up the stairs to the right side outdoor BLOCK HOUSE.


Delos's Alice Exhibition

Delos's Alice Exhibition

Delos's Alice Exhibition

Delos's Alice Exhibition

Delos's Alice Exhibition

Delos's Alice Exhibition

Delos's Alice Exhibition

Delos's Alice Exhibition

Delos's Alice Exhibition

Delos's Alice Exhibition

Delos's Alice Exhibition

Delos's Alice Exhibition

Delos's Alice Exhibition

Delos's Alice Exhibition

D800E + AF-S NIKKOR 24-70mm f/2.8G ED

デザインフェスタで3枚の似顔絵 I had drawn three sheets of caricatures at Design Festa2015年05月17日 22時17分24秒

I became usual practice drawn caricatures in the Design Festa. With those strange, is not found even looking much the booth that will draw a caricatures, and found one place, and notice that it was also in the place where it was through just before.

Delos drew. Delos will be held Delos's Alice Exhibition from May 19th.
Delos drew

Miji drew. This has become rosette.
Miji drew

4 piece cartoonist Otama Mochifuku drew.
Otama drew

D800 + AF-S Micro Nikkor 60mm F2.8G ED

デザインフェスタで似顔絵 Caricatures at Design Festa2014年11月09日 10時30分21秒

I had my caricatures drawn in this Design Festa.

Drawn by illustrator Kokoru.

Drawn by illustrator Ayu Sarashina.